
Showing posts from June, 2020
Hi Grade 4 Parents We made it to the final week of ongoing learning! Please know that we know it has not been easy balancing schooling, households and the stress of the Covid-19 pandemic over the last 14 weeks. We hope that we have made some parts easier, but we know that has not been the case for everyone. It is our hope to be back to a somewhat normal school experience by September, and we are already planning for this. Our classroom will be archived as of June 28th. To prepare for this we are returning all student assignments to them, so that they are the owners of the work they have completed. All the assignments they have finished or worked on will be found in their drive in their classroom folder. Assignments will continue to be viewable in the classroom, but students will not be able to update, hand in work, or comment on anything. Please do not resubmit work! This week our class work will be a bit lighter. For math we are encouraging students to go on their Prodigy account, do
Hello Grade 4 Parents We are into our last two weeks of online learning! The end is in sight! We will be “returning” all online assignments to your child; they do NOT need to resubmit it, unless we ask because edits are required. By returning the work, it gives ownership back to your child.  Science: This week students will be watching a video about pollinators and then they need to label the parts of a flower. Social: This week students working on part 5 of their Animal Research Project.  The focus will  be on their animal’s adaptations and environmental impacts. Math: This week there will be one lesson on Triangular and Rectangular Prisms and one quiz. Literacy: We will be continuing to read Holes this week. 
Hello Grade 4 Parents We are heading into week 13 of ongoing learning and we know that it can be tough to stay motivated. Please know that we understand and feel it as well. Please reach out for support if you or your children need help. Science This week we are changing science a bit. We are starting a new unit called “Plant Growth and Changes”. In our Monday morning meeting, students will be doing a lesson with their teacher about how seeds spread to other places in the world. If your child cannot attend or missed the Monday meeting, please go through the lesson with them in order to facilitate the discussion questions. After the lesson, students will be making 2 or 3 different types of seed pods to learn about the ways that seeds travel. Math There are 2 lessons and a math quiz this week. Don’t forget that there is help available every day if your child is needing support. Social Our Animal Research Project continues this week with part 4. This week students need to complete the DIE