
Showing posts from 2019
-Happy Holidays to everyone! We hope you all enjoy your time together over the break! Reminders: -Classes resume on Tuesday, January 7th -Please continue to practice your multiplication and division basic facts as we are beginning long division in January.
Highlights: -What a play! Thank you to all the families who supported us as we put on this terrific show. It was a lot of work for Grade 4 and students should be proud of the effort that they put in to set design, promotions/video production, choir, comedy and dance. -We did some very fun and creative activities in a variety of spaces during play practices this week. Students did some neat art projects, STEM activities and they learned the Metis jig. Please ask your child what their highlight was for this week. -Students had their last lessons in the simple machine unit this week. Next week we will do some review and have a short test. -We sadly said goodbye to our student teacher, Mrs. Tatro. In the short time she was here she built strong relationships with the students and we will miss her! Reminders: Monday Dec 16th - Popcorn orders delivered if you ordered for your child Report cards will be sent home on Wednesday Dec 18th Last day of school before the break is Thursday
Highlights: -Students continued to work on the standard algorithm for multiplication. We will be starting division next week. Please continue to practice basic facts so that these more complex concepts become less difficult for them Reminders -The Show Must Go On A performance by grade four, five, and six students -Cast A Wednesday December 11th - Doors open at 6:15PM -Cast B Thursday December 12th - Doors open at 6:15PM Admission: Free All students in grades four, five and six have signed up for one of the following groups.  Ask your child if they have been assigned to Cast A (Wednesday, December 11th Performance) or Cast B (Thursday, December 12th performance).  Students in non-performing groups are not required to attend the night of the performances. Performing Groups: Acting Dance Choir Instruments Comedy Non-Performing Groups Art (set design and posters) Video Production.  Story Synopsis In The Show Must Go On, student actors perform as teachers in the
Highlight: -We had a wonderful evening on Thursday with the unveiling of our school mural and our giving projects. Thank you for your support in donating so much to these projects. Here is a link to the news clip about the mural and the artist. -Grade 4 classes continued learning about simple machines. On Monday and Tuesday this week students learned about a new simple machine from a different teacher than they are used to.  Ask your child which one they learned about and who taught them. -The Division 2 play has been ramping up practices and rehearsals this week. On Friday we went through a practice for the finally. Ask your child what their role is. -Students learned the standard algorithm for multiplication this week. Please continue to practice basic facts so that these more complex concepts become less difficult for them. A homework sheet was sent home today to be completed for Monday. Reminders: With the cold weath
Highlights: -It was great to see so many families come that Student led conferences! Thank you for making the time to join us. -We are almost finished our novel, Bridge to Terabithia . We will watch the movie next week to compare it to the book. -We are continuing to work on writing effective paragraphs that include a topic sentence, relevant details and closing statements. -This week each Grade 4 class learned about a specific simple machine. Our student teachers from U of C and U of L are going to be teaching each grade 4 class about each of the following simple machines. Ask your child which one they learned about this week (gears, wheel and axle, levers, pulleys). - Students have a homework page on practicing the 6’s and 7’s for multiplication. It is due Thursday November 28th Reminders: Calgary Food Bank From now until December 17th we will be collecting non-perishable food for the Calgary Food Bank. Foodbank boxes are now placed around the school to accept any and all
Highlights -We created a video sharing all the French we’ve learned so far! We are excited to share them at student-led conferences. -After learning about First Nations petroglyphs, we created our own pictographs that tell a story of a past memory. We worked on oral story telling skills by using expression and effective transition words. -We completed patterns using addition, subtraction, multiplication to complete a t-table. -We’ve started some new winter art projects using oil pastels and paint. -Please continue to practice multiplication facts with your children. When students memorize those facts it helps them in their math work. We looked at site called Math playground today that students are encouraged to use this weekend. The link is posted on the blog. Reminders Please book a Student Led conference using your MyCBE account Booking opens today, November 15th, at 4:00 pm November 21 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm - Student Led Conferences Nov
Highlights We had a great field trip to Heritage Park this week! Students experienced life as it would have been in a 1910 schoolhouse. They also learned about Henry Ford and his innovation to the assembly line process. Ask your child to explain how they built the trucks on the assembly line. Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for coming and making this day possible! We read  Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes  by Eleanor Coerr as part of our discussions around Remembrance Day. Ask your child what the story is about and where the statue of Sadako is. We began folding some origami paper cranes today and will finish on Tuesday.  Mrs. Tatro, our student teacher from the University of Lethbridge, will be starting with us Tuesday. She will be with us everyday for four weeks. Please continue on basic facts in  multiplication. We will be moving into multiplication of larger numbers and having a solid foundation of the basic facts will better enable your child to successfully
Highlights -In math we have been working on patterning and applying mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplication facts to 9 × 9. Please continue to review multiplication facts with your child at home. A website to practice multiplication facts (Grand Prix Multiplication) is included beside Homework information on the blog. -We have begun expository writing in Language Arts. After choosing a topic students expanded three main ideas to include description and details. We will continue to focus on this type of writing to organize our ideas into paragraphs. -All classes are continuing with French instruction. Ask your child how to say their birthday in French. -Ryan Willert (our artist in residence), has been working at our school painting a mural in our Gathering Space.  The following link is a quick video of his artistic process. We are only half way done and we are really looking forward to unveiling the whole mural at the end of Novem
Highlights -We have been learning about congruency and symmetry in math. -Next week we are starting multiplication. All students should be reviewing basic multiplication facts up to 9x9. Skip counting is a great way to practice. -We played a jeopardy game to review the concepts in our Light and Shadow science unit and had a quiz in class. -All Grade 4 classes will have a student teacher joining their class from Nov 12th to Dec 12th from the University of Lethbridge. We met Mrs. Tatro yesterday and we are excited to work with her! Reminders October 31st - Grade 4 Halloween party. Students will be able to dress up in costumes after lunch. Please NO masks, bloody/violent costumes, weapons or treats. There will be a room available with alternate activities for those students who do not wish to participate in the Halloween activities. November 1st - Non Instructional Day Starting this year, we have been attempting to reduce our SVS ecological footprint by moving towards a “Pack In
Highlights -We have started sorting information into Carroll and Venn Diagrams in Math -We practiced the numbers in FRENCH from 1-20 and played Lotto (Bingo) -We dissected an eye (a paper one), and identified all the parts that help us to see -We painted and added information about the buffalo to our visual journal.  Homework Your child has taken home a page about Carroll and Venn Diagrams. Please have them complete it and return on Monday.  ****The Laser City reading draw winners will be announced at the end of the month. Please have your child return their reading log when both sides have been completed. Reminders Friday, October 25th - Halloween Hop 6:30pm - 8:30pm Please check your online account to check if you have paid for the Science in Schools program and our upcoming field trip. You will find them on your account SVS Pumpkinella!  Get your family together and join in the fun for SVS's Pumpkine
We had a presentation by Mary from Scientists in Schools on Light and Shadow.  We got to try different centers to refract and reflect light,  and we got to play with periscopes! We worked on subtraction with regrouping up to numbers to 10,000. Students need to practice their basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students who are fluent and comfortable with their basic facts are more successful when completing questions with multiple regrouping steps. We had our first session with Ryan Jason Allen Willert, the Indigenous knowledge keeper who is our artist in residence. Ask me about the 4 buffalo teachings! On Friday afternoons we are participating in various groups to prepare for the musical “The Show Must Go On.”  There are groups involved in dance, video production, comedy, choir and instruments. Ask me what group I am in! The musical will be performed two evenings in December.  We wish you all a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend!
Highlights ·     We had our first French lesson! We learned how to count to 10, introduce myself and tell my age! ·      We read several picture books and some diary entries from the novel “My Name is Seepeetza” in connection with Orange Shirt Day. ·      We spent time looking at different optical illusions and are now creating our own optical illusion artwork. ·      We practiced our literacy center stations and will start working through them Monday. ·      We learned how every part of the buffalo was used during the First Nations hunts. ·      We have started subtraction with and without regrouping.  Page 42, 43 and page 44 are for homework. Please return on Monday. Reminders ·      The October homework calendar is posted up on the blog. Students should be reading every night for at least 20 minutes. ·      Please pay online for our Light and Shadow presentation. 4A and 4C had their presentation on Oct 3rd and 4B and 4D will have their presentation on Thu